June 29, 2023
Gabriel is best known for his phenomenal performances on the South African 100miler scene. With two wins at Addo (100M) and podiums at George MUT (100M), UTCT (100M) & Maxi Winelands (50M) it is clear he likes to run far and fast! His grit and determination to be the best in the business is an inspiration. When Gabriel isn't training for races he is planning his next big mountain expedition with his friend and coaching partner, Grobler Basson. Together they successfully set the first ever Namib Desert Crossing FKT in 2022. Gabriel is also a certified ultra running coach helping others to reach their miler goals.
Altra Mont Blanc and Altra Olympus 5
- How many kms +-?
My big weeks before a miler:
- How many days are intervals vs LSD vs strength/gym?
Light strength work x2, 1x hill reps at top of aerobic threshold, 1x flat aerobic threshold run, the rest of the runs are all on trails, simulating the race, plenty of vert aim for 6000m elevation gain for the week.
Would try to hold that load for 2-3 weeks before recovery.
- How much mobility & stretching do you do?
Not much, on bigger weeks like this, there is zero free time, you running twice a day, with full time job, family and we coach other athletes too, the only focus is training and sleeping as much as possible, optimising everything to be as effiecient as possible, to fit in training and recovery.
Leki Ultratrail FX.One Superlite
Rice or oats 2 hours before the race
For a miler 2 weeks.
Salt tablets and making sure I drink enough fluids and preparing my legs for the terrain (e.g. doing enough vert in training to condition legs for race day).
Now that my big race for this half of the year is done, I will focus on speed over the next few weeks then build up to high volumes as we get closer to the end of year races.
June 29, 2023
Grobler is a household name in the South African ultra running scene. With wins and course records at Mac Mac (100M), Maxi Winelands, SkyRun and Addo there is no denying that he is a force to be reckoned with on the trail running circuit. Not only is Grobler a fierce competitor on the racing scene, he is also a true mountain adventurer and has a passion for doing big mountain expeditions. Together with UD/Altra elite athlete, Gabriel Kriel, they successfully executed the first ever Namib Desert Crossing FKT in 2022. Grobler is also a certified ultra running coach whereby he helps other trail runners reach their goals.
I am a avid fan of the Altra Mont Blancs and do most of my long mountain days and all my races in them. Then I mix it up with Altra Lone Peaks, Timps and Superiors and on the track I use the Altra Escalante. And then the Altra Lone Peak Alpine for the office of course.
- How many kms +-?
Big race training week for 100km to 160km race:
Anything between 130-170km with 6000m - 7000m of elevation gain depending on the vert to km ratio of the race.
- How many days are intervals vs LSD vs strength/gym?
In big load weeks only one intensity session at lactate threshold with another two sessions at the top-end of zone 2.
- How much mobility & stretching do you do?
One dedicated strength session and some 15-20min foam rolling and mobility sessions.
Emergency gel (for the bonk)
Leki Ultratrail FX.One Superlite
I eat basmati rice with some olive oil, avocado and a bit of soy sauce 2 hours before race, then I will have something like a banana or a bar with high carbs (sugar) content 25min before the race.
100miler two weeks, 100km 9 days, 50miler 7days, 42km 7days
Balanced nutrition a week before the race. Training with race nutrition. Try and replicate race conditions in long training runs. Have some cramp pills with you always.
Starting to bring in more intensity / speed
June 29, 2023
May 03, 2023
Hydration pack running is a popular activity in South Africa. The use of a hydration pack is perfectly suited to assist anyone undertaking the endurance sport of trail running. Unlike marathon running, which is usually done in urban areas with easy access to refreshment, trail running takes endurance off-road.
Due to the nature of competitive trail running, the events typically occur in rural or remote areas, where health and replenishment facilities are available only at certain checkpoints. Furthermore, these events can also be held over multiple days, in which contestants will only get to refreshment stations once a day. Contestants are, therefore, responsible for planning for their own nutritional needs.
At Ultimate Direction, we have the perfect solution for you: the hydration pack. Hydration pack running, or making use of running vests, are helpful and often essential gear for serious trail runners. They provide runners with a convenient and unobtrusive way to care for their hydration needs. But as any professional trail runner will tell you, hydration pack running is no easy feat. You need to know how to use your pack to your advantage. So in this article, let us explore some tips and tricks to stay hydrated on your next big outdoor adventure.
Any experienced cross-country runner understands that even before they put on the hydration pack, they must start preparing. In this scenario, that means ensuring you are well-hydrated before you begin the race. This is especially important for those participating in trail runs where hydration on the route is difficult to come by. But how does one know whether they are well prepared, especially before partaking in physically demanding activities? Well, here are some key things they can look at:
Along with being well-hydrated before a long trail run, another essential factor to consider and prepare for is the route you will be taking. Although this may sound like common sense to experienced trail runners, many new trail runners show up on the day of the race and rely solely on the marked-out route as dictated by the event organisers. However, these entrants must consider that event organisers may not consider your hydration needs when planning the run. So you should always plan the route with hydration in mind. Therefore things you should consider may include the following:
Let us look at some advantages of using hydration pack equipment and why we, at Ultimate Direction, believe that our gear is the right choice for you!
Now that you have your hydration pack equipped, you’ve made sure to plan your route with hydration in mind, and you’re sure you are adequately hydrated before the race, it’s time to take off. An experienced trail runner understands that one of the most important aspects of making good time is ensuring you’ve planned for everything.
This includes how and when you should hydrate. It may seem obvious to a novice – drink when you’re thirsty, but this can be detrimental as it generally leads to overhydration. As mentioned above, that can lead to cramping as your body tries to process large amounts of liquid while you’re on the move. Instead, you could follow this system:
Step 1: Remember that every individual requires different hydration levels based on gender, body size, fitness levels, etc. Knowing your own body is critical to good hydration techniques.
Step 2: Consider the weather conditions on the day of the run. If you run in hot weather, your body needs more liquids than on cold days. As warm weather will directly lead to large amounts of perspiration, your body will more quickly run out of liquids, allowing for a quicker rate of dehydration. Also, note that temperature can alternate while you’re running, which should be monitored throughout the run.
Step 3: Take regular sips of your water, which is easier when using a hydration pack. It is recommended that, in general, a runner should take small sips every fifteen to twenty minutes. However, steps one and two directly relate to the intervals in which you should intake water while on the run.
Step 4: As mentioned in the previous section of this article, a hydration pack helps prevent overhydration. However, it should still be noted that a runner should avoid chugging their water all at once or too quickly to prevent discomfort.
So far, this article has mainly focused on preparing to stay hydrated before and during the race. Touting the hydration pack is an excellent tool to help, but is hydration enough to run at your peak levels? The simple answer is no. Another critical factor to consider is your electrolyte levels.
Electrolytes are electrically charged ions that help the body function properly. They assist in maintaining fluid balance, neural activity and muscle contraction. However, as you exercise and perspire, you lose electrolytes, which, if not replaced, can lead to muscle cramps, fatigue, and even heat stroke. So let us look at some sources of electrolytes that can easily be carried in your versatile hydration pack.
1. Sports Drinks:
Sports drinks like Energade or Powerade are some of the most popular forms of replenishing electrolyte levels. Drinks like Powerade ION 4 provide four electrolytes in every serving – sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. At Ultimate Direction, our hydration packs have front-facing bottle pockets where you can slot your favourite energy drink for ease of access, allowing you to get those electrolytes back quickly.
2. Electrolyte Tablets:
Electrolyte tablets are a convenient and easy way to replace electrolytes during exercise. They are packaged in small sachets that can be added to water for a concentrated electrolyte replenishment source. Our hydration packs at Ultimate Direction all come with small pockets where you can easily store different sachets depending on the length of your trail run.
3. Bananas:
Bananas are a natural and organic way to replenish electrolytes due to their high potassium nature. Although you may wonder how to bring a banana on a trail run, you are covered at Ultimate Direction. Our trail vest hydration pack has an easy-access main pocket with quick auto closure that can easily fit your snacks—allowing you to gain those natural electrolytes with little fuss.
This article has revealed some tips and tricks to stay well-hydrated and highly nourished on your next cross-country run. This piece has also provided many ways your hydration pack can help you on the run. Not only is it a highly versatile piece of equipment, but also a great way to make sure that you stay at the top of your game. Visit our online store at Ultimate Direction.co.za and find the perfect hydration pack today!
May 02, 2023
Hydration vests, also known as running vests, are all the rage in the trail running community. Any sort of physical exercise can cause dehydration if you are not drinking enough water, but carrying around a water bottle by hand can often be cumbersome. Hydration vests provide ease of access to hydration while running or walking, and even allow you space to bring along snacks or extra articles of clothing.
If you are looking to buy your first hydration vest, you may be scratching your head at all the options available. It can be quite confusing to make a decision on which vest is best for your needs, and high-quality hydration vests can also cost a pretty penny. Fortunately, when you buy your trail running gear from Ultimate Direction, you’re guaranteed high-quality products at affordable prices.
Keep reading to learn a little more about our hydration vests and how to find the right fit for you, as well as how you can put our gear to use on the trails!
Ultimate Direction is widely known for being a pioneer in the development of modern hydration vests. Beginning in a garage in 1985, the brand was created by outdoor enthusiasts who prioritise fit, functionality, and quality above all.
We focused (and still do!) on developing ways to improve the experience of hydration while outdoors. Initially, we had developed the first water bottle waist pack, before developing a strap that allowed hikers and runners to easily carry their water bottles. While we have developed multiple iterations of hydration vests, none of them would exist had it not been for the spirit of innovation and functionality that has characterised Ultimate Direction and our dedication to the outdoors.
We have worked with some of the world's top athletes, asking them to test our designs and deliver input on where we can improve. In 2012, we officially launched our Signature Series. These hydration vests are known to be lighter, have a closer fit, do not bounce and allow for essential gear to be stored up front. Our hydration vests are also designed to distribute the weight of the vest itself and any items you may store within it.
While there are a number of places one can attach a water pack, including the waist, arm, or thigh. Hydration vests, however, encourage proper running form and do not add any unnecessary weight to limbs as you run. As most hydration vests are designed to fit snuggly against the chest or between shoulder blades, they do not affect a runner's stride.
Carrying a water bottle in a backpack may be a more cost-effective way of staying hydrated while running, but having a bottle that bounces around can be distracting. The weight of the bottle bouncing around can also cause strain on the backpack, in turn causing strain on your muscles.
Activities like outdoor running also come with the chance of rainfall, and this may pose a problem without a hydration vest. As hydration vests are waterproof, they are designed to protect their contents without causing any damage caused by seeping or spilling liquids. You are able to store your cell phone, wallet, ID and any other items of importance in your hydration vest.
Our vests are also able to wick up moisture like sweat as you go about your run. The snug fit of Ultimate Direction's hydration vests also prevents chafing; your items will not bounce around in the storage compartment as you run.
Dehydration can sneak up on runners without them even realising it. Running long distances during a hot day can cause faster dehydration and impacts your body's ability to expel heat. In turn, this causes your body's temperature to remain high, increasing the need for water as you sweat.
This isn't to say hydration vests are not necessary when running in lower temperatures; hydration is always necessary, no matter what the weather is. Several studies have shown that those who engage in strenuous outdoor activities such as long-distance running should drink the same volume of fluids they are sweating out. It is commonly accepted that drinking 500ml to 750ml of water each hour you spend sweating will help you remain hydrated.
It is important to note the difference between a hydration vest fluid capacity versus pack capacity. Fluid capacity indicates the amount of water a hydration vest can accommodate, while pack capacity refers to the total volume of the items that can be stored in the vest's storage compartments.
There are many things to keep in mind when shopping around for a hydration vest. Hydration vests are made of strong, lightweight material that is also waterproof. These materials are chosen for their ability to keep the contents of the pack safe and dry, and their ability to snuggly mould to the body after being fashioned into hydration vests.
1. Bladder or bottle: Most hydration vests are compatible with both, and each has its own benefits.
Bladders are known to carry fluid weight more efficiently and can carry larger volumes of water than bottles. It can, however, be difficult to see how much water you have consumed.
Up-front bottles allow you to see exactly how much water you have drank and are easier to refill while running. However, they do not always hold as much water as bladders do, and their weight can be cumbersome while running as most hydration vests' water bottle holders are rested on the sides of the runner's chest.
2. Fluid capacity and pack capacity: It is important to measure how much water you typically consume on a run. This will help you determine the fluid capacity you will need from a hydration vest.
Hydration vests come with a variety of fluid capacities, typically from 1-2 litres using either a bladder or soft flasks or a combination of both.
The total volume of the hydration pack, or carrying capacity for other items such as extra clothing, snacks, cellphone etc. ranges from 2 litres up to 15 litres for the larger packs.
The pack capacity of a hydration vest is up to the runner to determine. Consider the essentials you like to have on your person while running, such as your cell phone, a rain jacket, snacks, trail maps, bug spray and a wallet.
3. A good fit: While there are many hydration vests that have a unisex fit, it is important to consider the proportions of your body and how you'd like your hydration vest to fit.
Ultimate Direction's women's vests are called Vestas, and are tailored specifically for women’s bodies – it is important that any chest straps do not add undue pressure to the chest area. The size of your vest will be determined by the width of your shoulders and the circumference of your rib cage.
When fitting on a hydration vest, it is important to remember that a loose-fitting hydration vest is more likely to bounce or cause chafing while on a run, especially if you prefer to run on natural terrains such as uneven nature trails or unpaved roads.
Another important factor in ensuring a hydration vest fits well is to fit it on with both summer and winter layers. Remember that you do not want any large spaces between your ribs/chest and the sides of your hydration vest. This means it is ill-fitting and may chafe. Hydration vests should always fit snuggly and comfortably.
4. One last tip: If something about a hydration vest bothers you at the shop, it will definitely bother you on the trail. Ensure you are satisfied before paying for a hydration vest; not only is it a necessary piece of specialised running equipment, but one that is meant to enhance the pleasure of running.
South Africa has a big culture of outdoor activities. From hiking in Eastern Cape's Coffee Bay to swimming in the cool waters of Camp's Bay in the Western Cape, the country has something to pique the interest of any outdoor enthusiast. Some of the country's most exciting running trails can be found in Johannesburg, Gauteng.
Emmarentia Dam and Botanical Gardens: The Braamfontein Spruit is Johannesburg's longest stream, stretching roughly from Paulshof to Braamfontein. Athletes can find some of Johannesburg's best running routes along the creek banks and surrounding parks. A popular starting point is the Emmarentia Dam on the east side of the Johannesburg Botanical Gardens.
Runners can start by circling the 3.5km long garden and dam. Entry to the park is free. The loop is approximately 3.5 km long.
Zoo Lake: North of Johannesburg, the Parkview neighbourhood offers some of the best running in the city, between the scenic walkways of Westcliffe Drive, the stunning views from the Westcliffe Steps, and the quiet loops around Zoo Lake.
Runners can combine these features for a fun-filled tour of one of Johannesburg's most charming old suburbs. We recommend starting with Zusi and completing his 1 km-long cement circuit in the shade. Walk south on the dirt track to Princess of Wales Terrace and turn right onto Lower Park Drive. At the end of the street, turn right onto Jan Smuts Ave, then right again onto Westcliff Drive.
For breathtaking views of Johannesburg, follow Crescent Drive. The gate leads to a steep stone 'Stairway to Heaven'. Runners can build some serious endurance by sprinting down the steps to Wexford Avenue, Pullinghurst Road and Woolston Road. The route is 4.25 degrees each way, with runners returning from Woolston Road or descending the quiet residential neighbourhood of Parkview.
Kings Kloof Trail Centre: If you love the outdoors and hiking, take a detour to the left of Kings Kloof Reserve to start your week. Kings Kloof is located in the Muldersdrift area, just 30 minutes from Sandton, within Laurentia Farm.
They have several trails to try, from easy to challenging. Entrance is R50 per person.
Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve: The Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve is conveniently located just 10 km from the centre of Johannesburg, 5 km from Soweto and 25 km from Sandton.
Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve has 10 running routes. If you're looking for a change in elevation, the Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve is the place to be. With a total elevation of 652m, the Klipriviersberg Loop has the greatest elevation gain of any running route in Jozi.
Hydration vests have become more popular than ever - and for good reason. Hydration vests provide a convenient way to access drinking water while doing some long-distance running. They fit comfortably and can accommodate anything you may need while out in nature, from water to snacks, and even trekking poles for those who want to wear a hydration vest while hiking. South Africa has a number of beautiful running trails, and now you can be prepared to enjoy the outdoors without worries about dehydration, or bulky, cumbersome backpacks slowing you down. Don’t hesitate to gear up and begin your next outdoor adventure, backed by reliable products from Ultimate Direction.
April 20, 2023
Running vests are a fantastic piece of gear for serious runners, but why? In this article, we'll explore why it's so important to choose the right running vest and provide tips on how to select one that meets your needs. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting out, you'll learn why running vests are a must-have piece of equipment for any trail running adventure.
As a runner, you know how important it is to have the right gear. From your shoes to your headphones, each piece of equipment can impact your performance and enjoyment of the sport. One often-overlooked piece of gear is the running vest, which can play a crucial role in keeping you comfortable and safe on your runs.
Choosing the right running vest is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the right vest can provide added support, hydration, and storage options that can help to improve your overall running experience. A well-designed vest can also help to distribute weight more evenly across your body, reducing fatigue and strain during long runs.
Choosing the right running vest can also help you to optimise your performance and prevent injury. Running vests with good support can help to reduce any strain on your back, shoulders, and hips, while hydration vests can help to prevent dehydration and heat exhaustion during long runs in hot weather.
By taking the time to carefully consider your individual needs and preferences, and selecting a vest that is comfortable, supportive, and optimised for your specific running goals and conditions, you can enjoy a more comfortable, efficient, and enjoyable running experience.
At Ultimate Direction, our range of running vests offer the highest quality for serious trail runners. Keep reading to discover some of our trusted picks for your next running excursion.
If you’re a fan of running on mountain trails, look no further than the Mountain Vest 5. Made with a combination of mesh fabric, nylon and stretchy nylon/elastane, this vest is lightweight and moisture-wicking to keep the sweat away. The fabric is also made with a ripstop pattern, which is a reinforcing technique that makes the vest more resistant to wear and tear.
In terms of storage, The Mountain Vest 5 has ample room for your gear and valuables with an easy-access clamshell main pocket, shoulder strap pockets for smaller essentials, front mesh pockets and a cord for you to strap in your external gear. Make sure to get your hands on this nifty piece of equipment before it’s sold out!
Minimal, lightweight, and super comfortable, the Race Vest 6 has plenty of storage and offers a close-to-body fit. Made with a 4-way ripstop fabric, you can rest assured the vest is incredibly durable and will last you for years to come.
This vest also comes with two Body Bottles and it can accommodate a 1.5L reservoir if needed. With tons of storage and a bounce-free design, this is a great choice for the serious runner.
Running vests have become a popular piece of gear among runners of all levels, thanks to their ability to provide added support, hydration, and storage options. When shopping for a running vest, it's important to consider the features that will best meet your individual needs and preferences.
Here are some of the key features to look for when shopping for running vests:
The material of a running vest can make a big difference in your overall comfort and performance. Look for vests that are made from lightweight, breathable materials that will help to wick away sweat and keep you cool and dry. Mesh and nylon are popular materials for running vests, as they are lightweight and moisture-wicking.
A good fit is essential for a comfortable and secure running vest. Look for vests with adjustable straps and buckles that will allow you to customise the fit to your body. Some vests also come in different sizes, so be sure to check the sizing chart before making a purchase.
One of the key benefits of a running vest is the added storage options. Look for vests with ample pockets and storage options for carrying water bottles, fuel, and other essentials. Some vests also feature compression straps or bungee cords for securing additional gear.
If you'll be running long distances, a hydration vest can be a game-changer. Look for vests with built-in hydration systems, such as hydration bladders or water bottle pockets. Some vests also come with a hydration hose or straw for easy access to water while running.
Comfort is key when it comes to running vests. Look for vests with padded straps and a breathable back panel to help prevent chafing and discomfort during long runs. Some vests also feature adjustable waist straps or compression straps for a snug, comfortable fit.
If you'll be running longer distances, you'll want to look for a vest that is lightweight and won't weigh you down too much. Some vests are designed to be minimalistic, with only a few pockets and minimal storage options. Others are more substantial, with larger pockets and more storage options.
Running vests can range in price depending on the features and materials. Think about how much you're willing to spend before shopping, and prioritise the features that are most important to you.
Be sure to try on multiple vests and compare features and prices before making a purchase, and always prioritise fit and comfort above all else.
Running vests provide a range of useful benefits to their wearers, from support and hydration to comfort, storage, and more. Below, we’ve outlined some of the benefits you can expect to see from your running vest.
Increased support: Running vests are designed to provide additional support and compression to the muscles and joints in the upper body, which can be a big help in reducing fatigue and preventing injury during your long runs.
Improved hydration: Many running vests come with built-in hydration systems like hydration bladders or water bottle pockets, which can help to keep runners properly hydrated during long runs. This is especially important in hot weather when dehydration and heat exhaustion can be a serious risk.
Extra storage: Running vests provide storage options for carrying essentials like your water bottles, snacks, and other gear. This can be especially useful for long runs or races, when runners may need to carry more than they can comfortably hold in their pockets.
Reduced weight distribution: By evenly distributing weight across the upper body, running vests can help to reduce strain on the lower back, hips, and legs, which can be especially beneficial for runners with a history of back pain or injury.
Enhanced performance: By providing additional support and hydration, running vests can help runners to perform at their best during long runs or races. This can help to improve overall endurance, speed, and efficiency.
Some hydration vests come equipped with a water reservoir. A common size for running vest reservoirs is around 1.5 to 2 litres. This size can provide enough water for most runs, especially if you plan to refill the reservoir at a water station along the way. It's important to consider factors such as the length of your run, the weather conditions, and your personal hydration needs when choosing the size of your hydration bladder.
It's also important to note that the weight of a full hydration bladder can add to the overall weight of the running vest, so you should consider the weight distribution and comfort of the vest when choosing the size of your reservoir.
Ultimately, the size of your running vest reservoir should be based on your individual needs and preferences, as well as the demands of your running activity. It's important to choose a reservoir that allows you to stay properly hydrated and comfortable during your runs, while also ensuring that the weight distribution of the vest is balanced and comfortable.
When shopping for a running vest, one of the most important considerations is how well the vest fits and how it can prevent bouncing during your runs. Here are some of the key features to look for in a running vest that can help prevent bouncing:
Adjustable Straps: A good running vest should have adjustable straps that allow you to customise the fit to your body. Look for straps that can be tightened or loosened easily, and that can be adjusted at multiple points on the vest.
Load Stabilising Systems: Load stabilising systems are designed to distribute the weight of the vest evenly across your body, reducing the chances of bouncing or shifting during your runs.
Breathability: A running vest with good breathability can help reduce sweat buildup, which can contribute to bouncing and chafing. Look for vests with breathable fabric or mesh panels that allow air to circulate and keep you cool and dry.
Lightweight Materials: Running vests made with lightweight materials can help reduce the overall weight of the vest, which can help prevent bouncing and make your runs more comfortable. Look for vests made with lightweight fabrics like polyester or nylon.
Proper Sizing: Finally, it's important to choose a running vest that fits properly. A vest that is too loose or too tight can cause bouncing and discomfort during your runs. Make sure to measure your chest and waist before purchasing a running vest and refer to the manufacturer's sizing chart to ensure a proper fit.
Properly fitting and adjusting your running vest is important to ensure a comfortable, bounce-free run. Here are some steps you can follow to fit and adjust your running vest:
Try on the Vest: Once you have your running vest, try it on and adjust the straps to fit snugly but not too tight. Make sure the vest sits comfortably on your shoulders and doesn't rub against your skin.
Check for Bouncing: Once you've adjusted the straps, jump up and down a few times to check for any bouncing or shifting. If the vest is bouncing or shifting, adjust the straps further or try a different size.
Adjust the Load: Once you have a comfortable and secure fit, adjust the load of your vest to ensure it's evenly distributed. Place heavier items closer to your back, and lighter items towards the front.
Fine-Tune the Fit: As you run, you may find that the fit of your vest needs further adjustment. Look for features such as Comfort Cinch™ or adjustable load stabilising systems to fine-tune the fit while on the move.
Check for Chafing: Finally, check for any areas of chafing or discomfort while wearing the vest. Adjust the straps or load as necessary to prevent chafing and ensure a comfortable run.
April 20, 2023
Are you looking for the perfect way to stay hydrated while running? The perfect way to do this is by using a hydration pack running. Different sizes of these packs are available, making them perfect for any distance.
If you are looking for the perfect hydration pack running, Ultimate Direction is here to help you. We help all our fellow runners find the perfect running gear for their needs and goals. Continue reading for the ultimate guide to hydration packs.
Staying hydrated during a run is important for maintaining energy levels and avoiding dehydration. For any runner, a hydration pack running can change the way you hydrate. The hydration pack has been designed to carry water and other essentials.
These essentials may include snacks or a cellphone, while still allowing users to remain hands-free. A few tips and tricks will help you stay hydrated with your hydration pack.
These tips and tricks include choosing the correct hydration pack, pre-hydrate and refilling water often, adding electrolytes to water, packing enough snacks, considering the weather, and cleaning the hydration pack regularly.
1. Choose the correct hydration pack running: Consider the fit and size before buying a hydration pack. The size generally depends on how much water and other essentials you are willing to carry.
Additionally, the vest you buy should have adjustable straps and a chest strap for extra support. One thing that many people do not think of is that the type of water reservoir should be taken into consideration.
2. Pre-hydrate and refill your hydration pack running often: Before you start with your run, you should prehydrate by drinking enough water or a sports drink to help you make sure that you avoid getting dehydrated.
Furthermore, refill your pack often to keep the water levels topped up, this should be done every 20 to 30 minutes. This will help you make sure you stay hydrated from the start of the race to the end.
3. Add electrolytes to your hydration pack running: These electrolytes may include potassium and sodium. These are often lost while sweating and they should be replenished during long runs.
An easy way to keep your electrolytes replenished is by adding an electrolyte tablet or drink to your hydration pack running. This will maintain your electrolyte balance and help prevent cramping while you run.
4. Make sure that you pack enough snacks for each run: On short runs, you may not need to even take a snack but for longer runs snacks are important as your energy levels will deplete. Snacks are an easy way to refuel.
Snacks that are regularly used by runners and other athletes include energy gels, bars, and chews. These snacks are also lightweight and can easily be opened while on the go.
5. Before planning a run always consider the weather: When the weather is hot this means that while running you will sweat more which will result in you drinking a lot more water to prevent dehydration.
If you plan to run in hot weather, adding ice to your hydration pack running is a great way to keep your water cool and you refreshing.
If you run in cooler weather, keep your hydration pack as close to your body as possible to prevent your water from getting too cold.
6. Lastly, regularly clean your hydration pack: If hydration packs are not kept clean this can cause bacterial growth.
Cleaning hydration packs often can prevent bacterial growth as well as keep them functioning effectively. These packs should be cleaned after each use.
When you buy a hydration pack running from Ultimate Direction you will find easy cleaning instructions with your pack. These instructions will explain to you how to rinse out the water reservoir, clean the tube, and that the packs should be air-dried.
As mentioned, staying hydrated is an important part of running, whether you are just starting or have been running for years. When it comes to staying hydrated while running, carrying a water bottle, and having to stop every few kilometres to fill it up is inconvenient.
Constantly having to stop for water while running can disrupt your flow. This is why a hydration pack running from Ultimate Direction is perfect. Continue reading to find out the top reasons why runners need hydration packs.
These hydration packs are hands-free, exceptional for long-distance running, are convenient, safe, and versatile.
Hands-free running means that your hands will be free the entire time you run. You will not need to use your hands to drink water. This can change the running experience.
This will help you avoid carrying a water bottle in your hands and save you time because there will be no need to stop to fill up your bottle. This gives people the opportunity to have a more natural running experience and will also improve their overall performance.
If you regularly do long-distance running, a hydration pack running is essential. The size of the running pack will depend on the distance you run. For long runs, you will need a significant amount of water to keep you hydrated.
These packs will give you the ability to carry the exact amount of water you will need for each run, if not more. If you fill up your pack, there will be no need to stop for more water. This will save you time in the long run.
When it comes to convenience, these packs are designed for exactly that. These packs have been designed to carry snacks, phones, water, and many other essential items so that you do not need to worry about how you will have to carry each item.
Furthermore, running in remote areas or the evenings is not exactly the safest place or time to run, specifically if you do not have enough water with you. These packs will keep you safe from dehydration during each run.
Many running packs also have reflective materials to ensure that other people and vehicles can always see you while running. Additionally, these packs are very versatile as they can be used for many different outdoor activities, such as cycling, camping, and hiking.
If you enjoy a variety of outdoor activities, buying a hydration vest will be the ultimate investment. These packs are a must-have for runners. Find the perfect running vests for you on Ultimate Direction’s website.
It may sound surprising but there is a whole science behind why drinking enough water is important for efficient and optimal running performance. This is why drinking enough water is important for optimal running performance:
If you find yourself struggling with dehydration while running buy one of Ultimate Direction’s efficient hydration packs. Continue reading to find out more about the amazing hydration packs we have available.
At Ultimate Direction we have hydration packs suitable for men and women. There are various hydration packs available made specifically for women and men.
The packs we have available for runners include the Fastpack 40, Fastpack 30, Fastpack Her 30, Fastpack 20, Fastpack Her 20, FKT Vest, and All Mountain.
The Fastpack 40 is one of our top-selling hydrations packs. This pack is perfect for long distances and it has a weight-to-capacity ratio to help keep you moving. This pack can hold 40 litres of water.
The Fastpack 30 has a large front storage for your water, glasses, snacks, maps, or phone. This pack holds a total of 31.7 litres of water and only weighs 0.69 kg. This pack is also great for long runs, especially during hot weather, as you will have enough water.
The Fastpack Her 30 is a female-specific hydration pack running. This pack is lightweight to keep you moving as fast as possible. There are even side pockets that provide extra space for additional water bottles. This pack can hold 30.5 litres of water and only weighs 0.6 kg.
The Fastpack Her 20 is another one of Ultimate Direction’s female-specific hydration packs. This pack is a bit smaller than the previous one. It holds 21.5 litres of water and only weighs 0.56 kg.
The Fastpack 20, just like all our other packs are lightweight and are ideal for runners who want to keep going as fast as possible even with a pull hydration pack on their back. This hydration pack holds 23.4 litres of water and weighs 0.59 kg.
The FKT Vest is perfect for pushing yourself to new limits. This vest has a large stretch pocket for extra bottles or other larger items. This vest can hold 18 litres of water and weighs 345 g.
Other great features of this vest are that it has a whistle, ice axe loops, a front pocket for your phone, and it comes with a bottle.
Lastly, the All Mountain pack is used for running year-round. This pack is exceptional, it has ice axe loops, a ski hook, and a ski loop, and it has an external lashing system that changes into a mountaineering pack.
This pack holds 30 litres of water and weighs 445 g. If you are looking for the perfect hydration pack running, Ultimate Direction is the best place to look. We are here to help you make your running journey as easy and convenient as possible.
March 30, 2023
Hydration vests are extremely popular for trail running and hiking adventures. These vests are incredibly useful in terms of staying hydrated while on the go. These vests allow runners to carry their water and other essentials on their backs or chests – making any trail run a breeze thanks to the ingenious, even weight distribution and breathability of the design.
For all your trail running needs, Ultimate Direction has got you covered. We provide convenient running and hiking gear to help our clients make the most of their outdoor adventures. Keep reading to find out more about our running vests as well as a few of the best Table Mountain trails you can use them for.
Cape Town is a gorgeous location for trail running and hiking, and Table Mountain alone has many different trail running spots. These spots are excellent for testing out our hydration vests. Below we’ve covered some of our top Table Mountain trails that truly capture the sprawling beauty of Cape Town. Get your hands on one of our reliable hydration vests and get ready to take to the trails.
1. Lion’s Head Summit: At the top of the list is Lion’s Head Summit. The length of this trail is 4.3km, with an elevation of 341m. This route is considered challenging by many trail runners and hikers, so it is recommended to make sure that everyone attempting this trail is wearing well-stocked hydration vests.
This trail has amazing views along with native wildlife that can be spotted along the way. The route of this trail is an out and back.
2. Platteklip Gorge To Upper Cable Station: Another beautiful trail is the Platteklip Gorge to Upper Cable Station. The length of this trail is 2.9km with an elevation of 699m. This trail is a point-to-point and, on average, takes about 1 hour and 48 minutes to complete. The Platteklip Gorge to Upper Cable Station is very popular among hikers and runners and it is open throughout the year.
3. Cecilia Waterfall: The third most popular running and hiking trail is the Cecilia Waterfall via Cecilia Forest. This beautiful trail is 4.3km in length with an elevation of 285m. This route is considered challenging but with enough water in your running vest, it is more than worth it. While hiking or running this trail you will come across many breathtaking waterfalls during the winter rainy season and friendly fellow runners and hikers. This route type is a loop.
4. Kasteelspoort Trail: Another popular challenge in Table Mountain National Park is the Kasteelspoort Trail to Diving Board. The length of this trail is 4.7km with an elevation of 576m. The route type is also an out and back. Exceptional views of the Camps Bay coastline and the Atlantic Ocean can be seen while exploring this trail. If you decide to attempt this challenge, keep in mind that the weather on this trail does change quickly throughout the day.
With all these trails to be explored, it is important to make sure that you are prepared – armed with knowledge of the natural trails as well as with the right gear. Ultimate Direction will have you sorted with all your trail running and hiking essentials. With several running vests for you to choose from, you can’t go wrong when you rely on Ultimate Direction gear.
Trail running is a sport that demands a lot physically. Trail runners need to balance strength, and endurance, and consider safety precautions as well. Therefore, an important aspect of this sport is staying hydrated, especially in hot and dry conditions.
If trail runners do not have enough water for their runs, they will become dehydrated which may result in cramping, heat exhaustion, and fatigue. This can negatively impact the performance and safety of runners. To reduce the possibility of this happening, runners and hikers turn to hydration vests. These vests have been designed to provide hikers and trail runners with hassle-free water access.
The biggest benefit of these vests is that they keep runners’ hands free during long distances or trail races. Running long distances with a bottle in each hand can be uncomfortable and may result in your arms taking strain. There are many variations of running vests available, some of these vests even have space for food and an extra layer of clothing. These vests are perfect for runs that are longer than an hour.
With these vests, runners will be able to improve their performance by staying properly hydrated. This will make it easier for trail runners and hikers to maintain their energy levels, and focus on their form, instead of worrying about possibly becoming dehydrated.
These vests allow runners and hikers to have enough water and food with them for longer runs. It is recommended to always take more water and food than necessary just in case you decide to extend your run.
Hydration vests also give trail runners extra space for safety gear such as emergency whistles and first aid kits – this is extremely important in the case of an injury or accident. Additionally, some of these vests have built-in rain covers and waterproof materials. This makes these vests beneficial for runners and hikers carrying gear in wet weather.
These vests also make it easy for runners to distribute the weight of their gear across their upper body, instead of carrying all of their gear in one waist pack or backpack. It significantly reduces the strain many hikers and runners experience on their lower back and shoulders. This makes carrying essential gear for long periods far more comfortable.
Furthermore, these vests are very versatile and have been designed to be worn for long periods. Many athletes can benefit from using these vests. If this sounds interesting to you, why not take a look through the various running vests available on our Ultimate Direction website and pick one out for yourself?
There are many hydration vests available on the market, which may make it challenging to decide what vest will work best for your trail running and hiking needs. Choosing the right running vest is the first step in making sure that your trail running and hiking experiences are comfortable. There are 4 things that you should consider when deciding between hydration vests:
After you have chosen a vest, it is time to test it out. The vest you have bought should move around a lot. Hydration vests should securely sit on your lower back and shoulders, and fit snuggly, without chafing, below your armpits and across your chest.
You can test this out on a short run. During each run, the vest should not swing side to side, bounce, or shift. Ultimate Direction has many vests to choose from, with accommodating size options to boot, so finding the right one for you is bound to be a breeze!
Each trail runner and hiker will need to decide whether they would prefer to use bottles or bladders, or both. This decision comes down to personal preference. Some of our hydration vests have a water bladder and space for additional water bottles, allowing you to carry far more water than you would be able to by hand.
There are advantages and disadvantages to using either bottles or water bladders. When it comes to using water bottles, it is easier to see how much water you have left, and they can easily be removed from your running vest pocket and refilled.
When using a water bladder, runners and hikers can carry more water, however, these vests need to be taken off to be refilled and it is not that easy to keep track of how much water you have used and how much water is left.
This may make it tricky to know when you need to refill the bladder and there may be the possibility that you run out of water. The only way for runners or hikers to know exactly what they will prefer would be to test out both.
At Ultimate Direction we have an exceptional variety of outdoor sporting products and have made great strides in the hydration vest industry. We provide our clients with effective and reliable products that will ensure a positive sporting experience. Some of the best-rated products we have to offer include water bottles, soft flasks, packs, handhelds, accessories, running vests and vestas, and running belts. All our products have been designed to suit the specific needs of various outdoor adventurers and athletes.
For runners and hikers covering short distances, our running belts are reliable alternatives to running vests. These belts are perfect for short distances and have space for all your running essentials. They can also be bought in many different sizes.
We have created both a men’s and women’s range and have made sure that our products are made from some of the best materials on the market. This is a main goal of ours and we aim to ensure that the products we produce are durable, sturdy, and last a long while. With all the products we have available, we want to help our clients to achieve their trail running and hiking goals.
March 22, 2023
Many people assume that hydration packs are made exclusively for serious runners and athletes looking to compete in strenuous outdoor activities, but this is far from the case. Hydration packs were designed to benefit anyone who enjoys spending time outdoors to serve as a reliable and essential addition to all kinds of adventures, from small trail walks, to mountain expeditions, to gruelling triathlons.
Here, at Ultimate Direction, we do our best to provide high-quality, reliable running vests, fastpacks, water bottles and more. Our outdoor gear is some of the best on the market – made to last and affordable too.
When it comes to hydration pack running, users experience benefits that people without hydration packs lack, and this will be explored in a little bit as we highlight the many important benefits of hydration pack running and how this gear can improve your outdoor adventures.
A hydration pack is a hydration system incorporated into a lightweight backpack that is designed to make water accessible and easy to drink whilst on the go whilst other packs are designed to hold water bottles and other essential items to make for a seamless, hands-free experience on any adventure.
Hydration packs are most commonly used for activities such as running, hiking, and cycling as they provide a solution for continuous hydration without the inconvenience of a large jostling backpack. Hydration packs also work to reduce wastage when people fill and use their hydration packs instead of buying and drinking single-use plastic water bottles.
Many people opt to use a backpack when embarking on a trail run because it is something they likely have lying around at home and believe it will do the same job in storing the necessities, however, backpacks are designed to be more general purpose and are not suited for many of the same activities that hydration packs are. Here are some reasons why hydration packs are more suitable for trail running compared to the everyday backpack:
Hydration pack running guarantees more convenience, with hydration packs either having a built-in water bladder and tube system to make it easy to drink water on the go or an easily accessible compartment to store a water bottle. With a backpack, the user would have to stop, remove the backpack and find their bottle of water inside every time they want to have a drink, this would slow down their pace and they would have to make sure to pack a water bottle that seals properly to avoid it leaking on other items in their bags.
Some may choose to carry nothing but a water bottle on their activity, which is not recommended for long runs. Firstly this would restrict them as they have to use one hand to carry the water bottle, which means that they have less mobility with the use of only one hand. If they are hiking and trip and fall or need to hold on to elements around them for balance they are more likely to get injured due to having to hold their water bottle.
Carrying a full water bottle also results in discomfort, with the weight causing muscle pain and ache after carrying it for an extended time, not to mention when the water bottle is empty they will still have to carry it.
The weight of a full water bottle lost in the bag would also result in an uneven distribution of weight which would negatively affect one’s balance and make the journey uncomfortable. Hydration pack running is made easier with the hydration pack designed to sit snugly on the user’s back, with the weight of the water evenly distributed, making hydration pack running much more comfortable than running with a backpack, especially for extended periods.
This could be considered especially important for runners who need to stay hydrated during their runs but require a solution that is hands-free – that they can carry with them that does not cause discomfort by sitting incorrectly or bouncing around on their backs with each pace.
Many people choose backpacks rather than hydration pack running because they believe they can fit more in a backpack but fail to realise that hydration packs have plenty of space to store items for the journey including nutritious snacks, keys, phones, sun protection, a change of clothes, etc.
Overall, regular backpacks can be used occasionally for short journeys that require large amounts of equipment to be carried, but even in those cases the user’s back will suffer due to the lack of design around weight distribution and overall fit, leaving the bag free to bounce around on the user’s back, especially with activities that involve running.
Ultimate Direction hydration packs are designed to hold either hydration bladders or water bottles. Our hydration packs have a dedicated section built into the bag to ensure water bottles are stored safely and comfortably in a way that does not negatively affect the user’s back.
The benefits of carrying a hydration pack include the already mentioned uninterrupted supply of water on the go and comfort no matter the distance or activity – thanks to the design and the way it sits snugly on the user's back. Hydration packs also allow the user to keep their energy levels up by allowing space to store energy bars and high-energy snacks for the user to have to refuel and give them a boost.
Without a hydration pack’s storage space, runners would have to go without these snacks or carry them in their hands or pockets which is uncomfortable and inconvenient, and they would also have to carry the wrappers and empty packets afterwards to prevent littering.
Ultimate Direction hydration running packs are made to move. The designs focus on comfort and practicality to ensure that the user can perform to their full potential no matter the terrain. Running is an extremely physically demanding activity and runners need to maintain adequate hydration levels to prevent dehydration and ensure optimal athletic performance no matter what distance they are tackling.
Runners need to stay hydrated, and they need to be able to access water without having to stop. Stopping on a run or changing their speed disrupts the rhythm they worked to maintain and the sudden change can cause the runner to get cramps. Even more importantly, if the runner is competing in a race, then time is extremely valuable and they cannot afford to stop.
The same applies to cyclists, except in their case stopping for water would be an even bigger inconvenience as they would have to get off their bikes. Whilst some cyclists may keep a water bottle on the front of their bike this is not optimal as it can affect the weight distribution of the bike and the cyclist could fall whilst trying to get it off the front of their bike to drink from, and afterwards, they have to securely put it back.
There are many essential items trail runners might pack for race day, and the items vary depending on the length of and type of race they are participating in. Everyone has their preferences, but here are some items common amongst the majority of trail runners:
Hydration: Ultimate Direction hydration packs are designed to carry water bladders or water bottles. Most runners carry water or a sports drink on their race, as hydration is essential. Having liquids regulates their body temperature and prevents overheating, and some runners prefer sports drinks for the added energy and replenishment of electrolytes.
Energy bars and snacks: Sustenance may not be essential to runners completing a short distance, but for long-distance runners, trail runners, and hikers, having an energy gel, bar, or high protein snack can be the difference between finishing and not finishing the distance.
First aid kit: A first aid kit is always a good idea to have around, as accidents happen, as well as muscle pains. Having antiseptic wipes and bandages in case of a fall and painkillers for any muscular discomfort is recommended. On longer trail runs it is important to remember that often the checkpoints are far apart, so runners need to be equipped to take care of themselves if anything were to happen.
Protection from the elements: come rain or shine, runners need to be prepared for a variety of conditions, which is why many carry a cap and sunscreen to protect themselves from the harmful sun’s rays, or a raincoat and possibly an extra layer to put on if conditions are wet and rainy.
Technology: Runners often carry their cell phones with them on the trail in case of an emergency and also just so they can contact and be contacted if needed. If they choose not to wear their GPS watch, they can carry it in their hydration pack to track their route and time to complete it.
Hydration packs have space for the essentials, but it is important not to overload them as too much weight will cause discomfort and slow the runner down. Plan and pack only what you need to keep you going on your run.
It’s important to choose a hydration pack that is specifically suited to your needs. When choosing a hydration pack you need to make decisions on options like having a pack with a water bladder or having a pack with a space to carry a water bottle or two. Different packs have differently-sized water reservoirs as well as compartments to hold water bottles and other items.
You need to choose a pack that is big enough or small enough to hold your items and determine how much water you want to carry with you during your activities. The fit of the pack is of utmost importance for your comfort. Men's and women’s packs are designed differently to fit the correct body types.
Ultimate Direction has a wide range of high-quality hydration packs on offer. When you browse our catalogue, you’re sure to find the hydration pack perfectly suited to your needs. We cater to hikers and trail runners of all skill levels and offer a wide selection of running vests, outdoor gear, and other sporting goods. No matter how big or small your next adventure, whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just getting started, Ultimate Direction is ready to set you up with everything you need to unlock your full potential.
March 16, 2023
We, at Ultimate Direction, have an incredible selection of running vests and other great outdoor apparel options. In this quick guide, we’re going to have a look at some gear that we consider to be hiking and trail running essentials. It is always a good idea to be as prepared as possible before braving the outdoors and this applies to your choice of clothing, backpacks, running vests, and other trail running accessories. Keep reading as we cover some of the benefits of these items and a few situations where they might make a big difference to your wilderness experience.
Let’s begin with one of the most essential gear choices – running vests are an extremely popular choice for both hikers and trail running enthusiasts, and for good reason too. One of the biggest advantages of using running vests is the unparalleled convenience they provide. With multiple compartments and pockets to choose from, you can easily carry and reach all of your essentials without needing to stop and rummage through a bulky backpack. Items like snacks, extra layers, and hydration can be accessed quickly while staying on the move and maintaining momentum – which can be especially crucial when trail racing or during hikes with steep ascents or descents.
On top of the major convenience of running vests, they also offer greatly improved comfort and stability during trail runs and hikes. Our running vests can be custom-fitted to ensure optimal comfort and even weight distribution. If running vests fit snugly against your body, it should help to reduce unwanted side effects like bouncing, jostling, chafing, and other irritations during your run. Your balance and stability should also be improved in comparison to wearing a regular backpack – this is a result of the enhanced weight distribution that running vests provide.
Another major benefit is the easy access to the hydration bladder and/or additional water bottles, allowing you to drink on the go and avoid dehydration during your adventures. With all of these advantages, it’s very easy to see why so many hikers and trail runners consider running vests an absolute must-have accessory.
When outdoor adventuring, having the correct footwear is absolutely essential for your safety and comfort. Hiking and trail running shoes are designed specifically to provide the necessary support and protection you will need to successfully traverse any trail. Hiking boots normally offer sturdy, ankle-height support, as well as hardy soles that should have good tread to assist with difficult terrain. Often, they include features like waterproofing and toe guards to keep your feet safe and dry on your excursions. On the other hand, trail running shoes are designed to be lightweight and enable fast-paced movement and quick adjustments.
Whether you are investing in hiking boots or trail running shoes, you should consider purchasing a high-quality pair. We say this because footwear is crucial for preventing injuries and maximising your experience outdoors. Good boots or shoes will reduce strain on your feet and ankles, provide adequate support, and offer stability and grip when navigating difficult terrain. Your choice of footwear can have a huge impact on your experience and overall enjoyment on the trail.
Similarly to your choice of footwear, choosing the correct clothing can make a world of difference to your overall comfort and performance. Base layers and moisture-wicking clothing are especially vital for outdoor adventures, as they assist in regulating your body temperature and help to keep you dry and comfortable in a variety of conditions. Moisture-wicking fabrics are designed to pull sweat away from the skin and evaporate it as fast as possible, this helps to prevent chafing, discomfort, and irritation. The Ultralight Tee in our online store features moisture-wicking technology, as do some of our other fantastic products. It is one of those things that is worth trying for yourself – the difference is impressive!
Base layers are equally as important in terms of clothing choices, as they provide an extra layer of insulation to regulate your body temperature. Base layers should consist of lightweight, breathable fabrics that will remove sweat and keep you from getting too hot or cold whilst on the trails. They should be able to fit against your body without being too tight, and layered under your other clothing to maximise effectiveness. These types of apparel choices will help to keep you dry and comfortable on your hikes and trail runs, allowing you to focus on enjoying the great outdoors with as little irritation as possible.
Compression clothing is becoming an increasingly popular choice among hikers and trail runners for many reasons. Compression-style garments are designed to fit tightly, applying pressure gently to your muscles and helping to reduce fatigue and soreness. This can be extra-important for longer hikes or runs because they allow you to maintain your stamina and continue moving for longer periods.
As well as providing support and reducing fatigue in your muscles, compression clothing will also significantly improve your circulation and prevent injuries. By stimulating the blood flow to your muscles, they assist in delivering oxygen and nutrients more effectively. This should mean that your endurance is bolstered and you can successfully avoid swelling and inflammation.
This is a question that is asked frequently – let’s have a look at the differences. A fastpack is an ideal choice for backpackers and hikers who need to carry a large amount of gear and supplies for extended periods. With multiple pockets and compartments, you will be able to easily organise and access your gear when you need it. Our fastpacks also come with specialised features like waterproofing and ventilation systems, which will help to keep your gear dry and prevent you from overheating. They have also been painstakingly designed to distribute weight across your back and shoulders, reducing the strain that often comes from using backpacks for a long time.
On the other hand, running vests are an excellent choice for trail users that prioritise agility and speed. They are specifically designed to be lightweight and breathable, allowing for maximum mobility and flexibility. Comparatively, running vests have fewer storage compartments than fastpacks, but they are more strategically placed for ease of access. While they may not be perfect for longer journeys or carrying large amounts of gear, running vests are optimal for runners who seek quick and efficient movement on the trails.
In short, the answer to which of these options suits you better, is completely dependent on the length of your prospective adventure and on the amount of gear you feel you will require. If you are looking for an incredible backpack, we highly recommend the Fastpack 30 from our website. We have designed it to fit like a vest but retain all the storage space that one expects from a great backpack! The FastFlow technology we included ensures that breathability and moisture-wicking are abundant – a truly excellent choice for those looking to move fast and light on the trail or in the backcountry.
Gaiters are frequently overlooked hiking and trail running accessories, but they can make a massive difference to your comfort and performance on the trail. The point of gaiters is to cover your lower legs and feet, providing protection from water, mud, snow, and other debris. By preventing moisture and debris from getting into your boots or shoes, gaiters will help to prevent blisters, keep your feet dry, and minimise chafing and other foot issues. They also protect your footwear from wear and tear, extending the shoes’ lifespan.
Some gaiters offer fantastic ankle support and should help to prevent twisting or spraining on the trails. The FK Gaiter is our all-in-one hiking and trail running solution. It is compatible with all brands of footwear and has been painstakingly crafted to ensure that your products do not stretch nor ride up your leg during a run. We have three different gaiter sizes to accommodate everyone. With an emphasis on durability, breathability, and strength, you won’t need another set of gaiters for a long time to come.
Trekking poles are an invaluable accessory for hikers and trail runners of all levels. They offer greatly improved stability, support, and balance on the trail, especially on steep inclines or tough terrain. Trekking poles assist in evenly distributing weight, reducing strain on the knees, ankles, and hips – allowing you to maintain your strength and momentum for far longer. Many of our running vests come with convenient holsters for your trekking poles too, meaning you won’t always need to hold them in your hands.
Trekking poles can increase your speed and efficiency on the trails. By using your arms to propel yourself forward, you are able to conserve energy and make sure that your legs don’t take too much strain. This is incredibly handy for longer hikes or trail runs, where a consistent pace is key to finishing strong. Additionally, they are normally adjustable and can be tailored to your height and comfort level, making them a versatile accessory for any outdoor adventurer. Regardless of whether you are a seasoned veteran or just starting out, they are amazingly useful tools for performance improvement and increased enjoyment and comfort.
When trail running or hiking, relying on high-quality gear and adequate preparation is absolutely essential to ensure an enjoyable and safe outdoor experience – here are four reasons why:
1. Safety: Using good quality equipment can help to prevent injuries or accidents whilst on the trail. For example, wearing proper hiking or trail running footwear with good traction can stop you from slipping or falling, while making sure that you have enough water or food will prevent exhaustion and dehydration.
2. Comfort: Using high-quality gear can improve your comfort on the trail, allowing you to focus on enjoying the experience more. For example, wearing moisture-wicking clothing can prevent chafing and blisters, while using trekking poles can reduce strain on your joints and muscles. Adequate preparation, such as dressing appropriately for the weather, will also improve your comfort and enjoyment when on the trail.
3. Performance: Making sure to use proper equipment can significantly boost your performance. Using a lightweight running vest instead of a heavy backpack can greatly increase your speed and agility, while compression clothing can reduce muscle fatigue and enhance your endurance.
4. Sustainability: Carrying reusable water bottles or food containers can help to reduce unnecessary waste while using eco-friendly clothing or running shoes can minimise your impact on the environment. By making sure to be mindful of gear choices and practices, you help to preserve the natural beauty of the trail in question for many years to come.
March 16, 2023
We, at Ultimate Direction, strive to provide only the highest quality hydration pack running gear for avid outdoor adventurers. Both our team and our clientele are extremely passionate about trail running. With that in mind, we believe it is very important to be mindful of both your environment and fellow runners when out on the trails.
In this quick read, we will have a look at 10 different aspects of trail running etiquette in the hopes that we can keep our sport and passion as respectful as possible. We will also delve into some interesting and vital improvements that come from hydration pack running and how it will better your trail running experience.
The trail running community is generally a highly considerate and respectful one as is, but it can never hurt to brush up on your knowledge of trail etiquette. Whether you are a hardened trail running veteran or you have just picked up the sport, it’s good for every outdoor adventurer to be on the same page.
1. Try To Yield To Others: When you are out and about and you encounter other trail users, always try to yield the right of way where possible. This is especially relevant when you are running downhill, as others may be looking down to watch where they are stepping. When yielding, try to step off the trail and wait for the others to pass by. On the other hand, if you are passing someone try to give them a heads-up with phrases like “on your right” or “behind you”. When pack running, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings as certain trails can be quite cramped and passing groups can be difficult.
2. Respect The Wildlife: As we all know, trail running is an amazing way to experience nature, but it’s crucial that we show respect to the animals who call that environment home. Try to be mindful, and remember that these are wild animals and they should not be disturbed or frightened. Avoid entering areas that may act as a shelter for animals or feeding areas. If you do encounter wildlife on your travels, give them a wide berth and allow them to go about their activities unhindered.
3. Leave No Trace: When you are out trail running, remember to pick up any trash and litter that you may have accumulated on your trail run. Any gel packets, food wrappers, water bottles, or other items you may have used should not be left on the ground. “Leave no trace” also includes avoiding causing damage to any of the surrounding vegetation – try to stick to designated paths, avoid cutting switchbacks or taking shortcuts. Enough tread on vegetation off of the beaten path could cause permanent damage to the immediate environment.
4. Be Courteous: As is the case with almost every sport, good manners are always appreciated when trail running. Try to greet other trail users with courtesy, and try to remain mindful of their needs. For instance, if you can see that an individual or group is struggling, it could be a big help to offer them water or directions if you are familiar with the route. Try to leave enough space for others to pass on the trail. Additionally, try not to disrupt the natural environment and aim to keep noise levels down.
5. Try To Stick To The Trail: As we touched on earlier, it’s very important to stay on the designated trails. There are multiple reasons for this – firstly, going off-path can damage the surrounding environment or cause erosion. Secondly, trying to create your own route can be an easy way to get lost and this should be avoided at all costs. Thirdly, be mindful of signs or markers indicating whether trails are open or closed – in some cases, there may be a good reason that a path has been temporarily placed off limits.
6. Follow The Local Rules And Regulations: Before heading out for your hydration pack running on the trails, try to make sure you are aware of the local rules. Certain routes may have different regulations that should be adhered to for the safety of all trail users. Examples could be dogs requiring leashes, no loud music, or other prohibited activities. The rules most likely do exist for a reason and it is vital to comply with them.
7. Be Mindful When Running In Groups: Whilst it is great fun to run with a large group, it’s good to be aware of others on the path. Try to yield where possible and try not to take up the entire trail as it can make getting around the group quite difficult.
8. Be Prepared: This is one instance where hydration pack running can come in very handy – be sure to bring enough water, necessary gear, food and whatever else you may need. This could also mean a first aid kit, compass, or map in case of emergency. Before heading out on your trail run, try to research the route as much as possible to get an idea of the terrain and path to take. It is almost always better to be over-prepared than under-prepared.
9. Avoid Using Headphones With Loud Music: We understand that listening to some great music or an interesting podcast can certainly make your run more enjoyable – it is, however, still important to be aware of your surroundings. Try to keep the volume at a lower level if you are wearing headphones so that you can listen out for potential hazards or other trail runners. This should keep you and other trail users safe whilst out and about.
10. Help Others Where Possible: It’s possible you may encounter an individual or group that requires assistance in some way, try to help if at all possible. This could involve offering directions, providing basic first aid, or contacting the authorities if it is a serious emergency. By lending a helping hand you can assist in keeping the trail running community a safe and supportive one.
Hydration pack running involves wearing a specially designed vest or backpack that features a water bladder or pockets to carry additional water bottles – both for carrying fluids during a run. Our gear is massively beneficial for trail running, as it allows you to stay hydrated and fuelled during intense, long runs or races.
One of the largest advantages of hydration pack running is the general convenience. Rather than having to carry a water bottle in your hand or continually stopping at water sources throughout the run, our hydration packs allow you to carry a significant amount of water with you at all times. This gives you the ability to remain hydrated and maintain a more consistent level of energy throughout the trail run, without ever needing to disrupt your pace.
Our Race Vest, for example, is capable of holding 2.0 litres of water whilst remaining incredibly light. Featuring air mesh panel technology to help you avoid chafing on your long runs and the latest in fully customisable vest-fit technology. We have optimised our designs to make sure that they are breathable and light.
Another significant benefit of pack running is that you can prevent dehydration and other related issues during your trail runs. Running for extended periods can cause you to lose a significant amount of fluids through sweat. By carrying water or electrolyte-rich drinks with you, you can easily and effectively prevent dehydration, which can lead to fatigue, cramping, and even heat stroke if not addressed. We understand that it can be easy to get carried away when you are pushing hard for personal bests or you are competing in races – which is why it is far better to avoid all of these unfortunate eventualities entirely and remain hydrated using our running vests.
Hydration packs are also incredibly versatile and can be used to carry other essentials during a trail run, such as extra layers of clothing, snacks, and safety gear. This allows you to be prepared for any eventuality – dramatic changes in weather conditions or getting lost en route are good examples.
When searching for the perfect vest/vesta among the many options available to you, it’s important to consider a few things. The capacity of the vest itself is crucial because you will want to choose one that can hold enough water and gear for the distance you will be running. Certain running vests have more storage space and larger pockets than others – it’s just about deciding how much is necessary for your travels.
The fit and breathability you want are also vital factors to consider. You should aim to choose a vest that fits snugly and is comfortable, without being too tight or causing unwanted chafing or bouncing. Over a long distance, these types of things can become incredibly important. All of our products are exceptionally breathable but it’s possible you may need a vest with specifically high breathability – if you are competing in trail races this may apply to you.
Whether you are a hiker, trail runner, outdoor enthusiast, or trail running athlete, we have the perfect products for you. We, at Ultimate Direction, are pioneers in the hydration pack running industry with a variety of options to suit your specific needs. We aim to create and provide our customers with excellent products to help enhance their outdoor experiences and make sure they are as prepared as possible on their trail running journeys. Our range of products includes vests/vestas, hydration pack running products, fastpacks, and other fantastically functional outdoor apparel options. Have a look through our catalogue and you may find that we have the perfect product for your outdoor needs.
Another characterising aspect of what we do at Ultimate Direction is our emphasis on sustainability. All of our products are 100% BPA-free, and our running attire is PFC-free. We truly believe in the importance of moving to a more eco-friendly space, encouraging the use of recycled materials and ensuring that sustainable materials are used in the creation of all of our products.
In our aim to create only the highest quality products, we have collaborated with athletes from around the world that have helped us to test and improve our designs. This means our range of outdoor options has been created by athletes, for athletes, and this is the philosophy we will carry forward with us. Now that you have all the information you need, why not try one of our excellent products for yourself? We have no doubt you will be amazed at the elegant functionality and overall positive experience!
March 07, 2023
If you are a trail runner wanting to stay hydrated on your runs, consider a hydration pack. Running with a hydration pack might just be the perfect addition to your outdoor adventure. Hydration packs are backpacks or vests that come equipped with a water reservoir or pockets for water bottles, allowing you to easily drink water while you're on the move.
If you're new to hydration pack running, it can be overwhelming to figure out what kind of pack to choose and how to properly use and maintain it. That's why we've created the ultimate guide to hydration pack running, filled with tips and tricks to help you properly hydrate on your runs, and keep your pack in good condition for years to come.
Whether you're a seasoned trail runner or a newbie jogger, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know about hydration pack running, as well as how Ultimate Direction can help you gear up for your next great outdoor adventure.
Running is an excellent way to keep yourself healthy and fit. Whether you are a professional athlete or a casual runner, staying hydrated is essential to help maintain your performance, endurance, and overall health.
Hydration pack running has become increasingly popular among trail runners, especially long-distance runners, who require frequent hydration while navigating rough terrain. These packs are designed to hold water or sports drinks, and some models come with additional storage compartments to carry snacks, gels, or other essentials. Below, we'll discuss how hydration packs can help you stay hydrated while running.
Hydration packs won't hinder your performance or restrict your movement while running as they are usually lightweight and comfortable. Unlike backpacks that can be cumbersome to carry, hydration packs fit snugly on your back, and the water bladder/bottles are held close to your body. This means that you can move freely without a backpack chafing at your shoulders, and your essentials won’t jostle around and distract you from your run.
Since hydration packs come in various sizes, you can choose the right one depending on your needs. If you're going for a short run, a smaller hydration pack will suffice. However, for longer runs, you may need a larger hydration pack that can hold more water and gear. Some hydration packs even have a removable water bladder, allowing you to customise the pack according to your requirements.
Hydration packs not only carry water bottles, but they allow you to carry other essentials like snacks, gels, sunscreen, phone, headlamp and warm gear. These compartments are designed to be easily accessible while running, so you don't have to stop to retrieve anything from your pack. Some models even have a built-in whistle or reflective strips for added safety during night runs.
Unlike disposable water bottles that contribute to environmental pollution, hydration packs with fitted reusable water bottles can be used multiple times, making them an eco-friendly option for runners. Most hydration packs are also easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that they last for a long time.
Below, we’ve given you a full breakdown of some of the best hydration packs offered by us, at Ultimate Direction. Running in any of the below vests will give you a leg up and help you stay hydrated on your next outdoor adventure. Keep reading to discover Ultimate Direction’s best hydration packs for trail runners and hikers.
The Mountain Vest is a hydration pack that's perfect for those who are ready to take their running adventures to new heights. It comes equipped with features that make it ideal for successful summit bids, including trekking pole holders and pockets for emergency items. What's more, the vest's Comfort Cinch technology ensures a custom fit with easy on-the-go adjustment, which is a breakthrough in tech that needs to be worn to be believed.
The vest is made of 4-way stretch material with dissolved thread, making it stretchy and lighter than ever before. The redesigned trekking pole holder also minimises bounce and snaps out of the way when not in use. Overall, the Mountain Vest is a great option for runners looking for a lightweight, durable, and customizable vest for their mountain adventures. The Mountain Vest is the largest running vest in the Ultimate Direction running vest range.
When it comes to the hunt for the best possible hydration pack, running enthusiasts should consider the Ultra Vest from Ultimate Direction. This pack has plenty of storage capacity for trekking poles and other gear, along with bottle holsters for carrying water, phone and camera storage, and adjustable t-hook sternum straps for a perfect fit.
The Ultra Vest is made of 4-way stretch nylon and MicroMono mesh fabric, which reduces potential irritation to your neck and shoulders. The specially designed trekking pole holder minimises bounce, keeping your gear secure during your journey. The pack has two bottle holders on the front that can hold a litre of liquid, and it weighs 206 grams without bottles.
If you're looking for a high-quality and comfortable hydration pack, running vests like the Ultimate Direction Trail Vest are a great option. This pack is made with plush materials that fit close to the body, ensuring maximum comfort while on the trail. The fully adjustable comfort glide fit system allows you to customise the fit of the pack to your body, reducing any discomfort or chafing.
The Trail Vest features a 1.5-litre water reservoir, front bottle pockets, a secure front mesh pocket for your phone, a rear mesh stash pocket, and an easy-access main pocket with quick auto closure. These pockets and compartments provide ample storage space for your essentials such as water, energy gels, and other supplies. The adjustable fit ensures that the pack stays in place during your run.
Are you looking for a lightweight and breathable hydration pack that can help you reach new personal bests? Look no further than the Race Vest hydration pack. Running in this pack will be smooth and interrupted, as the pack is designed with featherlight materials and features vest-fit technology that can be fully customised to your body shape, including an ultra-durable Comfort Cinch 3.0 that provides a secure fit. The protective mesh panels on the pack also prevent chafing during your run.
The Race Vest is ideal for people with smaller frames, thanks to its narrow shoulder straps that offer a more tailored fit. You can also store your mobile phone in the front chest pocket, which is zippered and water-resistant, perfect for rainy conditions or running near waterfalls. The pack is designed to wrap completely around your body for a snug fit, ensuring maximum comfort during your run.
For those who need to carry gear with them, the Race Vest has all the bungee loops and hooks you need to attach your gear at the front or back of the pack. The large rear compartment can hold a 2-litre reservoir and additional water bottle pockets for staying hydrated during your run. The Race Vest is the smallest running vest in the Ultimate Direction running vest range.
Hydration packs are a must-have for runners who want to stay hydrated during their runs. A hydration pack that includes a water reservoir may require proper cleaning and maintenance to ensure that it can function properly and last a long time. We will discuss some tips on how to clean and maintain your hydration pack for running below.
After each use, you should clean your bladder thoroughly to prevent bacteria and mould from growing inside the pack. Empty the reservoir and detach the tubing and bite valve from the pack. Rinse the reservoir and tubing with warm water and mild soap, using a cleaning brush to scrub the inside of the reservoir. Rinse the bladder with clean water and hang it to dry.
Some bladder manufacturers offer specialised cleaning kits that include cleaning brushes, cleaning tablets, and other cleaning tools. These kits are designed to make cleaning your bladder easier and more effective.
When not in use, store your bladder pack in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing it in direct sunlight or in damp areas, as this can cause mould and mildew to grow inside the bladder.
Inspect your hydration pack regularly for any signs of wear or damage, such as leaks or cracks in the reservoir or tubing. Replace any worn or damaged parts to ensure that your bladder functions properly and doesn't leak during your runs.
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